Thomas Demand


Playing games

Thomas plays a game with his photography. The game is about the photo as image. Thomas builds paper and carboard models based on reality and photographs them. You are looking at a kitchen made out of cardboard and paper.

Kill your darlings

After Thomas is done photographing the models, he destroys them. Only the picture remains.

A copy

Thomas usually builds his models based on famous images or existing places. This kitchen for instance, was featured in a documentary about the 20th century German artist Joseph Beuys. When you see this room in the documentary Joseph is sitting down peeling potatoes. He is talking about one of his main artistic philosophies, Jeder Mensch ist ein Kunstler (every person is an artist). Joseph believed that everyone could make art and call themselves an artist.

Kijk eens anders

What would you ask him or her?

This is the location where you are now. Occasionally, this location will differ from your actual position. This has no impact on your tour. However, 'All art in this room' is linked to this location. If desired, select 'Walk around', where you will find all rooms.

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