Plum Cloutman

Starter Home

Hip hip hooray!
What a small, cute party!
Or maybe…
Hey, a cake with an olive? Oh wait, it’s not a cake at all. And what are those two fish doing there?
At first glance, this work seems very old, perhaps from another century. The LAM team also thought they saw a birthday party. Have you found all the hidden symbols and secrets of this small work?
Let’s look at the title
Occasionally, the title can help you understand a work of art. This work by the British Plum Cloutman is called Starter Home. Does that help you understand what we are looking at?
Moving out
You may know it from stories, or you may remember it yourself: moving out of your parental home. Suddenly having to arrange, think of and execute everything yourself. And then the change in budget... Perhaps that explains more about what this figure has in front of them on the table.
Budget on your plate
What do you like to eat ‘quickly and easily’?
The artist
Plum Cloutman is a painter and graphic artist with a completely unique style. She prefers to paint and draw in her small London home, at the dining table. And even better: on a very small and intimate plate, so that you have to get close to discover all the details. The shades, textures, the play of light, and the clear mood run through all her works. And, there is always a layer of humor in it.
Kijk eens anders

Which artwork are you? And which one would you like to be?

This is the location where you are now. Occasionally, this location will differ from your actual position. This has no impact on your tour. However, 'All art in this room' is linked to this location. If desired, select 'Walk around', where you will find all rooms.

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