Arya Tabandehpoor

Slides (citroen)


Arya works with found photography, photographs with no information. Because there is no information about the background of the photos. The photographers are unknown, anonymous. Arya thinks it is interesting to think about the people who took these photographs and what motivated them to take them.


LAM has five of these slides, part of Arya’s series called 'Slides' (2011-2014) that consists of around fifty slides. Every slide in the LAM collection has a connection to food.

The composition of the photos in this series are usually quite full. Arya likes it because it gives off a certain vibe. Because the images are so full it gives them a timeless and a placeless feeling. You have no idea when or where they were taken. This feeling is strengthened by the fact that you have no idea who took the picture.

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