Stijn Rietman


Stijn emphasizes everyday objects, and makes them special. Maybe you have never noticed how beautiful an empty cup is, or the shape of a plastic fork. In this case: a tictac!
Albert EinStijn
The quote that Stijn lives by is from Albert Einstein: “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” Stijn tries to celebrate life by finding a miracle in every moment.
When he starts his paintings, Stijn never looks for the objects to paint. He just looks up, and starts. What object on your kitchen table would you choose to draw?
Though he doesn'tlook for his subjects, he still manipulates the images. As a painter, he feels like he has to, to create the right setting. He sets an atmosphere, and gives the atmosphere a feeling.
Have you ever had an orange TicTac? Can you imagine the taste?
The artist
Stijn Rietman was born in Drachten, in the north of the Netherlands. There he also attended the Minerva Art Academy, where he finished his bachelor in fine arts. He is well-known for his realistic paintings. This particular one was exhibited in the Drents Museum in 2016, before being acquired for the LAM art collection.
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What is beautiful? What is ugly? When you describe the work, does it remain beautiful/ugly or does your opinion change?

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