You’ll probably have to look at this piece for a bit longer. Fruit coming out of a drain, it’s not exactly an everyday sight. The image of hair almost spontaneously imposes itself. After all, everyone is familiar with hairs left behind in the drain. That’s probably why you associate those fine lines with hair. Maybe you’ll even get a vision of removing hair strands that belong to your housemate, son, spouse or sister. In reality, you are looking at gel and ink on vinyl, a certain kind of plastic.
Vinyl – most of us are familiar with it as plastic, tarpaulin or even music LPs, but as a basis for a painting? It’s not really a material you would consider using. But that is what Louisa uses as a canvas for her work.
Louisa’s work makes you think not only of spray paint or graffiti but also of paintings from the early 20th century, like those of Tamara De Lempicka.
Louisa Gagliardi Marcel (2015)
Louisa Gagliardi Incognito Mode (2015)
Tamara De Lempicka Self Portrait (1930)
What would you ask him or her?