Johannes likes to work together with people from outside the artworld. From bodybuilders to pastry bakers; you name it. Do you think he worked together with others for this artwork? And with what kind of people?
Johannes often uses materials such as metal, concrete or random stuff he finds on the street for his artworks. That is also the case with this work. It consists of a picture that’s set up on a lightbox. The cord and the electric plug look like they’re almost falling apart. But they are still an important part of the work.
Bulldog is inspired by a series of performances called Peak Panic. In those performances Johannes talks about all kinds of emergencies that can happen. He also demonstrates several survival hacks and selfmade tools. He gets the information for this from the so called ‘prepper forums’. Preppers are people who prepare for doomsday, the day that the world will come to an end. They have a giant stock filled with practical supplies and canned food. And they also share practical advice.
The thing that fascinates Johannes the most, are the ‘do it yourself’ solutions that preppers come up with. This photograph shows a selfmade oven, consisting of a can of Bulldog energydrink and a tin can. Perfect for making popcorn. The idea is nice, but is it really usefull? Johannes let’s you be the judge of that.
Which artwork would you like to give to someone as a present?